Heckel Bassoon 12726

last updated Tue, 21 Apr 2020 20:53:05 GMT


Nickel plating. High f, high e, and F♯ trill all moved down one finger (e-F♯ between II/III), E♭ trill right hand with displaced C♯, a G♯ ring mechanism, A-whisper bridge, A♭/B♭ trill with clutch (no extra hole), french whisper key. Large side of the butt joint is lined with rubber, sterling silver tubes, brass tennon rings and reciever for the long joint, extra lever for whisper key above B♭ thumb lever, low C♯-D♯ trill with extra C3 tone hole and key next to E♭ key, E-F connection for right thumb, long joint is 4mm longer on the top (between the low E and D), right thumb whisper lock, and all rollers except for the one on the A key.